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Carly Johnson | Associate

“Lighting is in our blood” is practically a family motto at this point. My grandfather was an early pioneer in the lighting design, manufacturing, and electrical contracting industry, and my father learned right alongside of him. Fast forward to today, and now I’m part of the 3rd generation of lighting professionals with CET & Associates.  

While studying psychology at the University of Utah, I worked for a small lighting rep firm doing inside sales. After getting my degree, I took a few years to work in mental health and wellness, and connected with some amazing clients and colleagues. Somewhere along the line I was introduced to Doug Cuneo, one of CET & Associate’s partners. The preconceived idea of sales did not spark my interest, but seeing how CET operates in a completely different way opened my mind to a new viewpoint. I realized that CET shares a lot of the same values I do: nourishing relationships is a priority (both professionally and personally), giving back to others can be part of your everyday life, and success comes through working together. 

I joined the CET family January of 2020 as the Quotation Specialist for our lighting division. I grew into myself professionally over that time, and felt supported to take on a new challenge as a Lighting Specialist in January 2021. There is something very special about seeing a project go from an idea and helping it develop into a stunning installation. I enjoy building genuine connections with my customers, learning and growing with the constantly evolving lighting world, and seeing creativity come to life. 

I can’t wait to help brighten up this world with you!


Mark Jeffrey


Scott Johnson